Bristol Huffman

Kotzebue, AK

Veteran - (12th place in 2022, 8th place in 2023, 17th place in 2024)

12th Grade - Kotzebue High School

17 years old

Bristol Huffman, 17, is a twelfth grader from Kotzebue, Alaska. After going to the Kobuk 440 in 2019, she started volunteering to help local mushers train their dogs. Over the years, she has gained trail experience in a variety of races: Taagpak 120 Jr. Kobuk 440, Jr. Iditarod, and the KDMA Woman's sprint race. When not running dogs, Bristol enjoys running, swimming, hunting, fishing, and hanging out with friends. After high school, she plans to go to University of Alaska Anchorage for nursing school and continue mushing.


Maniilaq Association

Maniilaq Long-Term Care

Kotzebue Dog Mushers Association

Kobuk 440 Racing Association

Northern Air Cargo (NAC)

North West Arctic Education Association